Catholic Church in Haarlem city and area

(information about the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation can be found at the bottom of this page)


Whether you’re new to the Haarlem area or have been here for a while, the Roman Catholic parishes of Haarlem and BOAZ (Bloemendaal, Overveen, Aerdenhout, and Zandvoort) extend you a warm welcome. With our eight churches, we aim to reach out to everyone in the area, and we welcome both new parishioners and curious visitors. We look forward to meeting you at Holy Mass or any of our activities.


Would you like to register as parishioner or get to know more about the Catholic faith? Contact us using this link (the form is in Dutch, but feel free to leave your message in English). We look forward to being in touch.

You may also contact the members of our pastoral team via this link (in Dutch only).

Mass Schedule

The regular celebrations of Holy Mass are listed below. For Masses on special holidays of obligation, please see the regularly updated schedule here (in Dutch only). Note that on every Saturday, Holy Mass in the St. Bavo Cathedral is in English.

The Rosary is prayed 20 minutes prior to the Holy Masses on Monday to Friday.

9:00 a.m.: H. Mass St. Bavo Cathedral, Leidsevaart 146, Haarlem
9:00 a.m.: H. Mass St. Joseph Church, Jansstraat 41, Haarlem

7:00 p.m.: H. Mass St. Bavo Cathedral, Leidsevaart 146, Haarlem

9:00 a.m.: H. Mass St. Joseph Church, Jansstraat 41, Haarlem,
7:00 p.m.: H. Mass, St. Bavo Cathedral, Leidsevaart 146, Haarlem

7:00 p.m.: H. Mass St. Bavo Cathedral, Leidsevaart 146, Haarlem

9:00 a.m.: H. Mass St. Bavo Cathedral, Leidsevaart 146, Haarlem
9:00 a.m.: H. Mass St. Joseph Church, Jansstraat 41, Haarlem

9:30 a.m.: Tridentine H. Mass St. Joseph Church, Jansstraat 41, Haarlem (3rd Saturday of the month only)
12:00 noon: H. Mass St. Joseph Church, Jansstraat 41, Haarlem
7:00 p.m.: H. Mass St. Bavo Cathedral, Leidsevaart 146, Haarlem (English)

9:30 a.m.: H. Mass St. Joseph Church, Jansstraat 41, Haarlem
10:00 a.m.: H. Mass St. Bavo Cathedral, Leidsevaart 146, Haarlem
11:00 a.m.: H. Mass St. Joseph Church, Jansstraat 41, Haarlem


Additionally, the following churches also host Sunday Masses or other Sunday services according to a variable schedule available here (in Dutch only):

  • O.L.V. Onbevlekt Ontvangen (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception), Korte Zijlweg 7, Overveen
  • St. Agatha, Grote Krocht 45, Zandvoort
  • Moeder van de Verlosser (Mother of the Redeemer), Professor Eijkmanlaan 48, Haarlem


In the St. Bavo Cathedral, confessions are heard during adoration after Holy Mass every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday  7:45-8.30 p.m. and upon request before or after Mass. In the St. Joseph Church, confessions are heard every Saturday 4:00-4:45 p.m. during the Eucharistic Adoration and upon request.  You may also contact any of our priests via this link (in Dutch only).

For baptisms, marriages, confirmations, and anointing of the sick, please also contact any of our priests via this link (in Dutch only). For urgent calls, please contact Fr. Nars Beemster (06-81105100) or Fr. Teun Warnaar (06-13997625).

For information on Catholic funerals, please contact one of our parish offices via this link (the form is in Dutch, but feel free to leave your message in English).

Sacrament of Confirmation: please visit this page.

First Holy Communion

If you have any questions regarding the First Holy Communion program please contact Anne.


  • DD dash MM dash JJJJ
  • If your child has not received baptism, write: 'No baptism yet'
  • DD dash MM dash JJJJ
  • If your child has not received baptism, write: 'No baptism yet' . If you want you can send a Baptism Certificate to
  • DD dash MM dash JJJJ
  • DD dash MM dash JJJJ
  • DD dash MM dash JJJJ
  • This could be one of the parishes with the Haarlem & BOAZ or any other parish. RK Haarlem & BOAZ parishes: St. Bavo, St. Joseph, H. Antonius (groenmarkt), Moeder van de Verlosser, H. Drie-Eenheid, O.L.V. Onbevlekt Ontvangen, H. Antonius (Aerdenhout) and St. Agatha.
    The submitted personal data will be used in our membership administration. When necessary, data will be shared with the parish of baptism to update the baptismal records when the Sacrament of Confirmation is administered.
  • Things that could be important for the chaplain and youth minister to know.


Ontvang onze nieuwsbrief


Secretariaat Haarlem en BOAZ-parochies
t: 023-5277462 (ma-vr 9:00-12:00)

Sint-Bavo Kathedraal
t: 023- 5323077 (ma-vr 9:30-12:30 uur)

Voor meer contactinformatie: contactpagina